Monday, July 23, 2012

Catching Up....

So I got this post almost ready and then didn't post it, the dates are off a little but oh well!

It's been 5 months since I've done any blogging so there's a lot to catch up on!  Today Mac is 1 and Maric is 1 month shy of 3 but going on 15.  Surely teenagers can't be harder than 3 year olds!

Maric - You are sweet as can be one second and throwing a fit the next, I think you are full of a lot of emotions right now!  This evening ended with you sitting on the kitchen counter while I worked on something in the kitchen, before I knew it Maric was PEEING on the counter!!  We nearly died but you didn't even seem phased.  You seem to have a love for being naked right now, we've had several "naked" encounters lately!  I was watering plants the other day and turned around and you were standing in the front yard with your pants pulled down and your bottom facing the road getting ready to potty!  On Mother's Day, I was planting flowers and you were in the sand box.  I went back to check on you and you were naked on the edge of the sand box.  When I asked what you were doing, you said "it's hot!"  Papa remains the love of your life and you currently want to be a "pappy farmer" when you grow up.  You are still having issues with asthma but had allergy testing on May 16th and nothing was positive which is a blessing but didn't give us any answers.  At least your a happy cougher most of the time!

Julia Eynon had a "princess pampering" party for her 4th birthday and you got to go, you were quite a bit younger than all of the other girls but did pretty well.

Madeline's Aunt Lori gave us free tickets to Elmo Live, you two had a great time and now think you are concert buddies now that we've been to Elmo and Barney both!

Mac - You started walking on Mother's Day (3 weeks ago) and are now everywhere!  You had to have tubes put in your ears last week, you did really well the day of the surgery but recovering a little slowly.  The nurses gave you a tiny hospital gown :(

Balls are your favorite toy, we went to the grocery store today and you threw a fit because you thought the fruit were balls and I wouldn't let you have any!  Dogs are your other love, this weekend we were at Nana and Papa's and all 3 dogs were there - Lucy, Dallas, and Wrigley - and you were in love.You are walking everywhere and are so strong!  You lunge at things while we hold you and nearly throw yourself out of our arms.  You are such a good little sleeper now, usually in bed by 7 and sleep until 7 and then nap for 1-2 hours twice a day.  Thank you so much!!!!  Daycare is going much better, you are sleeping on a cot which is shocking and breaks my heart.  You are a Daddy's boy which also breaks my heart a little but I guess it's nice to share the love :)

Mac was intrigued by the bunny, Maric was petrified!
On our way to the hunt, so excited to use Aunt Becca and Amanda's"vintage" easter basket!
We celebrated Easter in Washington with both families.  But before heading for home, we went to the t Jude Easter Egg hunt with Maric's friend Clair, we are so excited to learn that Clair's family goes to St. Jude!  

The attempt to get pictures on Easter morning was quite humorous and unsuccessful!

For the most part, you 2 absolutely love each other.  When you see each other in the morning, you both light up.  Maric desperately wants to hold Mac on her lap but you don't want to sit still much for that.